Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Final Answer? Yes!

Well, after a conversation with the nurse practitioner, we have a little more information about what lead to the decision to have the appendectomy done. Initially, when the scan was performed, there appeared to be fluid around the appendix, leading to the initial decision to have it removed. When the surgeon looked at the results, however, he didn't see enough inflammation in the area to consider removal. After talking it over with Patrick's medical team, though, they came to an agreement that because his white blood cell count is as low as it is due to the chemo, his body isn't able to produce the inflammation that would normally be seen with appendicitis. The fluid is enough for them to believe his appendix is a problem, and needs to be removed. It will be done tomorrow early afternoon, and will be done laproscopically. There will only be three small holes made, so hopefully recovery will be easy, although we still don't have an idea of what to expect time wise. Although there is no clear connection between the leukemia and the appendicitis, the nurse practitioner indicated she's seen this happen with other patients, so there is no reason to believe this is a sign of any larger problem lurking beneath the surface. That's something we call all be thankful for!!

Updates will be posted tomorrow following the surgery. Please continue to prayer for a smooth surgery and recovery!

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,

    We are thinking of you and praying for you. Hang in there!!!! Love to all of the family that is there and keeping up the home front. Wish that I were closer to all of you, but know that your extended family loves you all. Those of you that are OK, kiss that darling Patrick for us and let him know that his famly loves him. xxxx Aunt Jan
